jueves, 15 de octubre de 2020

Greece: the cradle of the western civilization

Hello, my name is Pablo and this is my blog, my first post'll be about a country I want to know and that is Greece. I want to know Greece because is the cradle of the western civilization, and is a very beatiful place to visit, with very extensive and beatiful landscapes that in the past inspired some of the most famous philosophers and famous myths and histories like the myth of Perseus or the Odyssey of Homero.

If i have the oportunity to travel there I would like to visit the Partenón of Athenas, I think that is a fantastic structure that represents the architectural of the Ancient Greece. Also I want to visit the islando of Delphos too to visit the oracle of Delphi, a place with a lot of myths and a magic place, that is not only a very beatiful place, is a inspirational place too.

But, in spite of all the good things that exist in Greece I don´t want to live or study here because I have a lot of barriers that don't motivate me to surpase theme. An example, can be the language that is the greece and i don't know anything of greece. Another obstacle is the thing that the University of Chile don't have a agreemen of studies with the Kapodistrian University of Athenas, and the last thing is that I prefer to live in another countries that makes me feel more comfortable. With all that I say goodbye and until the next. See ya!

Video 2: A job I would like to do in the future.
